
At Westminster Community Nursery & Primary School we believe that good attendance is essential for pupils to take full advantage of the school and to gain the appropriate skills which will equip them for life. When your child is absent from school, he or she misses the teaching provided on the days when absent, and on their return are also less prepared for the lessons building on that teaching. There is a consequent risk of underachievement when absence is high, which the school and parents both wish to avoid. We do accept that there may be sessions when a child must miss school – for example, if unwell; however, any other absences should be kept to an absolute minimum.

Procedures for Monitoring Attendance Levels

In-line with new Local Authority guidelines, as a school we now monitor all pupils whose attendance falls below 96%. If your child’s attendance falls below this level, we will write to parents/carers to remind them of the importance of attendance at school. If this attendance continues to fall, we will write to parents/carers again and, if appropriate, invite them in to discuss strategies. If attendance falls below 85%, we are obliged to refer the case to the Education Welfare Officer, who may issue parents with a ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’.

Procedures for Unauthorised Absences due to illness

When your child is ill, we seek to ensure that all absences are authorised by parents/carers through a phone call, a phone call should be made on each day of absence. In the case of an absence being unauthorised a letter will be sent to parents/carers outlining the absence and requesting an explanation. If the explanation is unsatisfactory or if absences continue to be unauthorised, a second letter is sent to parents/carers and a meeting may be arranged to discuss strategies. If ten unauthorised absences are accrued (one school day counts as two sessions) we are obliged to refer the case to the Education Welfare Officer, who may take the case further.

Procedures for Lateness

Whilst it is vital that your child attends school as often as possible, it is also vital to their education that they are on time each day. The beginning of a lesson is often the most important part and children are disadvantaged if they miss this. Therefore, as a school we also track children’s lateness. If three late marks are accrued, a late letter will be sent to parents/carers reminding them of the importance of being on time. If a further three late marks are accrued, a second letter will be sent. If lateness continues, parents/carers will be asked to attend a meeting in school to discuss strategies to avoid this situation in the future.

Term Time Holidays

With effect from the 19 August 2024, the law changes and Penalty Notices will increase. Penalty charges will be £160 if paid within 28 days reducing to £80 if paid within 21 days per parent/carer per child.

The National Framework for Penalty Notices introduces a new national limit of two penalty notices that can now be issued to a parent for the same child within a rolling three year period. If a second Fixed Penalty Notice is issued to the same parent for the same child, within three years of the first Fixed Penalty Notice, the second Fixed Penalty Notice is charged at a flat rate of £160 if paid within 28 days.

Once two Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued, if a third unauthorised leave of absence occurs within a three year period, the Local Authority is able to move to prosecution immediately.

As many of you will be aware, the DCSF & Ofsted monitor the attendance of children in school very closely and our school will be held to account if we do not enforce the changes.

School Attendance Policy

If you wish at any time to view the school’s Attendance Policy, please do not hesitate to ask for a copy from the School Office, who will deal with your request as quickly as possible. A copy can also be found on the school’s website and the Virtual Learning Platform. The Policy is updated in accordance with our Policy Review Cycle or more regularly when changes are necessary.

Attendance Guide for Parents

Further information attendance