Events and Competitions
Teams 2024-2025
Here you can see some of our sporting achievements, competitions and tournaments attended during 2024/25.
Events coming soon for 2024!
Mrs Birt and Sports Coach Aiden are busy booking our school teams onto lots of exciting events so watch this space in the coming weeks and months.
Teams 2023-2024
Here you can see some of our sporting achievements, competitions and tournaments attended during 2023/24.
Primary Panathlon – February 2024
This was a fun event that our children thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to Mrs Birt and Coach Aidan for taking them.
Year 6 - Dodgeball Competition January 2024
Coach Aiden and Mrs Birt accompanied 8 of our Year 6's to a Dodgeball 'friendly' at a local Primary School. They performed really well and thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Year 5 & 6 Boccia December 2023
Mrs Birt and Sports Coach Aiden recently took our Year 6 team to a Boccia and New Age Kurling tournament where they competed against a number of local schools. One of the team scored over 100 points and was presented with a certificate of achievement. We are always so proud of our children for competing with sportsmanship and enthusiasm. Well done!

Multi Skills Event Year 2 - November 2023
Mrs Birt and Miss Fortune recently accompanied our Year 2 class - The Wezzie Warriors - to a fun-filled and successful multi sports event at the EPSV. The children got to try out some new sporting activities and tried different skill stations. They always enjoy trying new things and were a credit to the school.

Panathalon Ten Pin Bowling - October 2023
Mrs Birt accompanied a team of our Year 6s to a very successful morning at the recent Ten Pin Bowling event. This was kindly organised by Mark at the Ellesmere Port School Sports Partnership in conjunction with the Panathlon Challenge. Well done to all who participated.

Teams 2022-2023
Below you can see some of the exciting sporting opportunities we enjoyed this year. Didn't they do well?
Panathalon Ten Pin Bowling Finals - March 2023
Mrs Birt accompanied a team of our Year 5s to the Ten Pin Bowling finals in Bolton where they competed against a group of schools from the North West of England. This event was organised through our link with the Ellesmere Port School Sports Partnership and our School Games Organiser Mark. The children had a fantastic time and got to meet England Cricketer James Dixon who was a real inspiration to them all. They came home with more medals and certificates and are rightly proud of their achievements.

Year 5 & 6 Boccia Regional Finals - March 2023
Our Year 5 and 6 teams represented the school again at the Regional Finals in March of this year. They competed against a number of schools from all over the North East of England. They came home with more certificates and medals and were again complimented on their sportsmanship and politeness. We are so proud of them for always representing our school in the best possible way.

Year 5 & 6 Boccia County Finals - January 2023
Our Year 5 and 6 team represented the school in magnificent fashion at the County Finals for Boccia. They came second overall and will now progress to the Regional Finals later this year. They returned with a trophy for 'Spirit of the Games' and will now progress to the Regional Finals in Liverpool in March. We are so excited to see what will happen next.

Year 5 Panathlon Challenge Ten Pin Bowling Tournament - February 2023
Our Year 5s had a very successful morning at the recent Ten Pin Bowling event. This was kindly organised by Mark at the Ellesmere Port School Sports Partnership in conjunction with the Panathlon Challenge. The Team came first overall and returned with a rather magnificent trophy, a medal each and certificates. Well done indeed. You did us proud.

Year 5 Boccia and New Age Kurling Tournament - December 2022
Mrs Birt accompanied four of our Year 5 children to a Boccia and New Age Kurling tournament where they were thrilled to be selected to represent the District at the County Finals early in 2023. They were praised for their great teamwork and manners and we couldn't be prouder. Watch this space for the results of the finals!

Teams 2021-2022
September 2021 saw us start to take part in face-to-face sporting events once again as Covid restrictions were lifted. This felt good and we hope you enjoy seeing photographs of some of the events we have taken part in.
Visit from Sporting Champion AJ Jackson - July 2022
The whole school enjoyed a visit from Wheelchair Basketball champion and Paralympian, AJ Jackson this month. Everyone enjoyed reflecting on the power of sport and of being our full authentic selves. Thank you, AJ!

Dodgeball Festival - June 2022
Mrs Birt accompanied a team of our Year 5s to the Dodgeball Festival at EPSV. They got to practice their skills and enjoyed a competitive morning.

Year 5/6 Zoo Orienteering event - May 2022
Mrs Birt accompanied four of our Year children to Chester Zoo to take part in the joint schools Zoo Orienteering event. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and having to work out how to navigate around the zoo.
Year 5/6 Boccia and New Age Kurling - December 2021

Whole School Dodgeball Tournament - December 2021

Year Group Boccia Tournaments - December 2021

Year 6 Rugby Festival - September 2021

Teams 2020-2021
The years 2020 and 2021 have been unusual, to say the least, and we have had to adapt our sporting activities accordingly. This academic year, our matches, games and tournaments have been done in year groups. Thanks to our Sports Coordinator, we have been working our way through the Winter and Summer Sports Challenges which consist of a variety of different sporting challenges in Rugby and Quick Sticks Hockey. You can find the challenge instructions as downloadable files if your child wants to have a go at them at home. We would love to hear if you do!
As well as those activities, we have also been having fun with Football, Boccia, Rounders, Tennis and a number of other activities. You can see our winning teams for these below.
Year 4 Gymnastics May 2021

Year 4 Rounders - May 2021

Year 4 Athletics - June 2021

Year 4 Tennis - May 2021

Year 6 Boccia - November/December 2020

Year 5 Boccia - November/December 2020

Year 4 Boccia - October/November

Year 4 Football - October/November 2020

Teams 2019-2020
Mini Basketball Competition at TEPEC (Year 5/6) - March 2020

Rage Fitness Sessions (January to July)
Dance Event Feb 2020 (First Place!)

Visit from Athele Craig McCann and the Sportivator (whole school engagement session) - January 2020
Xmas Sports Festival - December 2020

Sports Ambassadors Dodgeball Training October 2019
Year 5/6 Tag Rugby September 2019

All of our Sports Team Photographs 2018-2019
Year 5/6 Tag Rugby September 2018

Year 3/4 Football Tournament November 2018

Dodgeball, Boccia and Curling

Quicksticks Hockey October 2018

Year 3/4 Multiskills November 2018

Year 3/4 Football Tournament November 2018
Dodgeball, Boccia and Curling

Sports Afternoon 2019
Mrs Birt worked with our Sports Ambassadors and our Heads of School to organise us a successful Sports Day on May 22nd 2019. The races were popular as always and it was good to see so many family members joining in for the races at the end. Our teachers race seemed to add a little entertainment whilst the spectators enjoyed their half-time oranges!
Multi Skills Event - 25th June 2019
Miss Smethurst and Year 2 had a lot of fun at the Multi Skills event this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed trying out all the different sporting activities.

Year 5/6 Dodgeball Competition - 25th June 2019
It was a busy sporting day for Westminster as Years 5 and 6 were also competing in a friendly Dodgeball competition with our neighbouring School, Cambridge Road. We played against one another and then enjoyed some mixed-team games to round off the event. Well done everyone and a big thank you to our Cambridge Road hosts who agreed this can now become an annual event.

All Stars Cricket - 26th June 2019
Our final sporting activity this week has been an All Stars Cricket tournament where Years 3 and 4 played against each other and other local Schools at TEPEC. The children really enjoyed trying out a new sports and competed very well.