School Uniform
School Uniform
Children are expected to wear school uniform every day. This consists of:
- Navy blue school sweatshirt, with school logo
- Royal Blue polo shirt, with school logo
- Black school shoes
- Winter: Black trousers or skirts and grey/black socks or tights
- Summer: Winter uniform or black shorts/pale blue checked summer dress with white socks
PE Kit:
- White T-shirt (unbranded)
- Dark shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers (unbranded)
The wearing of jewellery, apart from watches, is discouraged. If earrings are worn they must only be studs. No hoops or other styles as these pose an injury risk. All jewellery must be removed for P.E. and swimming lessons.
No nail varnish, artificial nails or make-up to be worn to school.
Where to purchase our uniform:
The school sweatshirt and polo shirt can be bought from ‘Uniformity Clothing’, 11 Rivington Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0AW
All other uniform items can be bought more widely from ‘high-street’ retailers and do not need to be branded. In our schools, there will be a ‘uniform exchange’ which will allow parents and carers to source good quality, pre-loved uniforms.
Because the children’s clothing looks the same it is really helpful if it is labelled clearly with your child’s name.