SEN Information
About SEN
We are committed to a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils and know that the trips, visits, and visitors that our children engage with enrich their learning. Feedback tells us that this is a strength of our school.
Mrs Davenport our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) works to ensure the inclusion of all pupils. She is available to meet you by appointment, although you can of course always discuss any concerns or worries with your child’s class teacher.
Mrs Phillips, our Mental Health Lead, supports our children through her role as Learning Mentor and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). You can make an appointment to talk to her via the school office.
We all ensure that the school provides the best support possible for children identified as having special needs. We discuss support plans with parents/carers and provide regular feedback on progress. External agencies may need to be consulted on some occasions, but only with prior consent from parents/carers.

Finding Further Information:
Finding Further Information
Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. Cheshire West has a website where you will find information and services in one place. It’s where There are details of services that are available within the local area and how to access them as well as services that are not in our area but that you may also be able to access. In Cheshire West, this is know as ‘Live Well’
Live Well Cheshire West can be accessed here
Cheshire West and Chester SEN guidance can be accessed here
ELSA website can be accessed here
Cheshire Autism Practical Support Provides support for families with Autistic Spectrum Condition or Aspergers Syndrome “whether diagnosed or not.”
Kidsguide Cheshire provides local information. Their website states: “No need to miss out or spend hours trawling the internet. From bump to teenager, all you need to know is here.”
Parent Partnership Link If you click on the link you can find information, advice and support, e.g., you might wish to ask an Independent Parent Supporter for help. They can:
- Listen to you and build up a clear picture of what is happening
- Help you complete forms
- Help with letter writing if needed
- Go with you on visits to schools
- Sit in on meetings, take notes and discuss with you what has been said
- Help you to understand the assessment process and the roles of professionals
- Help you get information from other statutory and voluntary agencies
- Help you keep track of meetings, reports and letters